Businesses Benefit from a Waste Audit
Before your business implements a recycling program, your organization should conduct a waste audit for its commercial waste service. The term “waste audit” might not be one that most businesses are familiar with. Novak Sanitary Service can help you conduct a free waste audit on the types of waste your business generates. Every business generates waste, and Novak can provide commercial waste service for your business. A waste audit can help your business with the commercial waste it produces and end up saving you time and money.
What is a waste audit?
A waste audit is an analysis of your building’s waste stream. Waste audits identify what types of recyclable materials and waste your business generates and how much of each type is recovered for recycling or is discarded. By using the data we collect, we can help your business identify the feasibility of enhancing its recycling efforts and potential cost savings by identifying:
- Municipal Waste
- Electronic Waste
- Recyclable Material
- Yard Waste
- Hazardous Waste (solvents, waste containing heavy metals, oil-based paint, etc.)
- Universal Waste (fluorescent bulbs, batteries, pesticides, thermostats, etc.)
- Other Waste.
What are the benefits of a free waste audit?
- Peace of mind knowing your business is meeting legal disposal requirements.
- Your business will recycle more, which diverts useful materials from the landfill, reduces air and water pollution, and conserves natural resources.
- Your business may reduce the volume and/or frequency of solid waste disposal and hauling costs.
Save Money
Through recycling and proper composting, your business can save money by avoiding disposal and hauling costs. Many recyclable items can be sold on the market as a source of revenue. A waste audit from Novak Sanitary Service can help your organization identify these potential savings and revenue opportunities in your current commercial waste service.
Waste Audits Benefit the Environment
A waste audit helps your organization to be better prepared to efficiently and responsibly dispose of the waste that it generates every day. By designing a more efficient waste disposal program through a waste audit, your organization increases the amount of paper, plastic, and metals that it recycles. This, in turn, decreases the amount of air and water pollution, which helps curb global warming and conserves natural resources.
How Does a Waste Audit Work?
There are a number of steps involved with a waste audit that help to provide a structure and framework for your commercial waste service moving forward. Those steps include:
- Scope of the Audit
- What do you want to achieve?
- What do/don’t you know?
- Are there compliancy issues with legislations, codes, and policy?
- Gathering the Data
- What’s going into the bin?
- What’s going into the treatment plant?
- How much waste do you generate?
- How much product is going out the back door as waste?
- Why is it being generated?
- Developing the Action Plan and Implementation
- What do you do with the data?
- What should be addressed first? How and by whom?
- How do you ensure ongoing cost savings?
Novak Sanitary Service will ensure that your waste audit has validated data so that you can move forward on an implementation plan. Implementing a plan without validated data can do
more harm than good to your commercial waste service. Collecting data is important, however scoping the waste audit will also help identify compliance with legislative requirements.

Through analyzing and validating the data, Novak can help your business find areas where excess waste can be saved simply by educating and making your staff aware of recycling opportunities. Additionally, a waste audit can help you pinpoint specific systems issues that may be part of the excess waste in your business.
A waste audit from Novak will give you the information and provide the necessary steps to implement an action plan designed to meet the framework of the scope of the audit in Step 1. Through implementing smart practices based on validated data, a waste audit from Novak Sanitary Service can help optimize your current commercial waste service – giving you peace of mind, saving you money, and helping the environment.
A waste audit from Novak Sanitary Service is available for free for customers and non-customers who have commercial waste services. If you have questions about a waste audit from Novak Sanitary Service or are interesting in starting commercial waste services with Novak Sanitary Service, please click here to email us or give us a call at 605-338-7126. With over 50 years of experience, Novak Sanitary Service is the Sioux Falls waste disposal company you can count on.
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